Saturday, October 1, 2011


I have an interview with CRS.. or I am setting up an interview with CRS in the next couple of weeks. For those of you who don't know It is the Country Radio Seminar that happens every spring here in Nashville. It's weird though setting up the interview has been slightly difficult. She liked my resume and asked me to pick a time, however the time didn't work for here and then gave me all the times that she wasn't available. I didn't know what to do so I gave her all the times I was available. I wish that I had a set time, I'm not sure of the protocol here as I haven't had to many corporate interviews yet. This is pretty much my, well second.
so fingers crossed it all works out and I get a set time on Monday.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Music and Life:

So I am sitting here sort of wondering what to write at the moment... I guess an introduction to what will be  "up and coming" on my blog. Music makes up a big portion of my life. I am a commercial songwriting major with a journalism and entrepreneurship minor. I know it really is quite a mouth full. What prompted me to actually start writing about it on a blog? Well I was thinking that it may be a fun way to record the things I get to do in the music industry, the shows I get to see (or just want to see), and CD's , songs and artists I may like and want to tell you about. Mainly in my own opinion. I try to be objective but lets face it, this is written in my point of view. If you have anything to add or something you feel would be beneficial to share ( new songs, artists ect) or post let me know :) Music is not only a solo act but also a community thing so don't be afraid to jump in!!